Start earning with Neighbor

What can you store?

Approximately how many cars fit in the space?

Estimated earnings

Estimated earnings per year at 100% occupancy


Earnings for



Monthly management effort

0 minutes

Earnings per hour of management


Become a host

The earnings displayed here are estimates and are calculated based on averages of industry and platform data. Actual prices will vary from these estimates based on local market rates, demand, exact location, property type, listing photos, size, access, and multiple other features. These numbers are not intended to represent performance. We don’t make promises about your results. These estimates are intended as broad guidance and are not predictive of future earnings.

How Neighbor Works

  1. 1

    List your spaces

    Create listings with a description, photos, and a price. The more information and photos you have the faster you can get your first reservation. List 1 or 20 spaces.

  2. 2

    Respond to renters

    You will get messages and requests soon after listing. Neighbor's platform provides the communication, payments, and management.

  3. 3

    Help renters get started

    Be the best neighbor ever by helping renters with access, parking, and answers to questions. A happy renter may keep their vehicle with you for months/years!

Join the community of thousands of hosts on Neighbor that are earning thousands!

List your space today

How Neighbor supports you

Earnings that changes lives

Earn $1k to $10k per year with one or many vehicles on your property.

Protection with host liability

$1,000,000 host liability protection. That is a lot of protection.


You pick who, what, and when things are parked. Run your own storage business.

Neighbor Technology

Automated payments. Rental management. Messaging with renters. Less work for you.

Get started