4.9 (622 reviews)
Based on 622 verified reviews, renters rated Neighbor's service for finding boat storage in Metzger 4.9 out of 5 on average
Average distance of 12 listings is 2.8 miles; 50% are within 2.3 miles.
58% of listings offer 24/7 access; average response time is 15 minutes.
Driveways and Parking Lots average $153 per month; 75% have cameras.
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Wide variety of sizes
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When storing your boat, you can choose between outdoor dry storage, indoor dry storage, or wet storage. Each type offer unique pros and cons.
Dry stack or outdoor storage is the most popular and affordable boat storage option
In Metzger, you will save 89% by choosing outdoor boat storage instead of indoor boat storage
Indoor storage ensures maximum protection but at a more expensive price.
16% of available boat listings in Metzger are listed as indoor listings
Storing your boat at a marina slip or dock is convenient in areas without harsh winters
No need to use a boat trailer
Immediate access to the water
Limited protection from the elements
Metzger offers many different storage options for boat storage. Traditional self storage facilities, however, often are pricier, less secure, and farther from home than boat storage on Neighbor.
If you'd like information about traditional storage facilities in Metzger, use the below list for more information:
Neighbor is the world’s largest storage marketplace. Call for rates or search online for the cheapest, closest, and safest storage units.
(844) 449-1088