5.0 (1,493 reviews)
Based on 1,493 verified reviews, renters rated Neighbor's service for finding long term parking near Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International 5.0 out of 5 on average
Average distance of 1.4 miles; 73.3% of listings are within 1.5 miles.
33.3% of listings have a host response time within 5 minutes; 54.5% offer 24/7 access.
41.7% of listings have cameras; 75% of listings are outdoor uncovered spaces.
Average price for unpaved lot spaces: $94, with 67% offering outdoor/uncovered exposure.
50% of listings have host response times within 2 hours, ensuring quick communication.
First month discount available on 25% of parking options, all under $100.
Average rating of 108 reviews is 4.7 stars for Parking Garages.
Average price of $199, 83% have cameras for better security.
All 24/7 access listings have indoor exposure.
Average parking garage price is $188, 3.8 miles max distance.
100% of garages have cameras; 67% offer 24/7 access.
Average response time: 31 minutes, 5-star ratings on 43% of listings.
75% of listings have security cameras; average rating is 5.0
"Parking Lot" spaces dominate with 45% of listings; average response time 15 mins
Average distance to airport 2.1 miles; 67% of hosts are Top Hosts
Average price of $177 for unpaved lots; driveways average $270.
50% of hosts respond within 4 minutes; 75% have an average rating of 5.
Outdoor uncovered spaces have cameras in 58% of listings.
Traditional parking
Traditional parking
Located near airport terminal
Located near airport terminal
Lowest rates
Lowest rates
Highest safety rating
Highest safety rating
Protection plans
Protection plans
Nationwide availability
Nationwide availability
Verified hosts
Verified hosts
Manage rental online
Manage rental online
10×20 | |
Average parking facility Fort Lauderdale, FL | $204 |
Neighbor 100+ nearby parking spots | |
Velocity Parking Fort Lauderdale, FL (4 miles) | $195 |
131 NE. 2nd St. Lot Fort Lauderdale, FL (4 miles) | $155 |
M&M Parking Fort Lauderdale, FL (4 miles) | $200 |
Long term parking comes in a variety of types, such as airport parking, monthly parking, and vehicle storage. Discover the unique advantages of each below.
Parking lots & private driveways can provide convenient & affordable airport access.
Spaces hosted by Top Hosts for long term parking spaces in Fort Lauderdale are 64% cheaper than nearby cities
Private & commercial parking garages can offer long term peace of mind.
Monthly parking in Fort Lauderdale is 29% cheaper than nearby areas
Shared & private storage includes drive-up storage units, warehouses & large spaces
12% of available storage listings in Fort Lauderdale are listed as indoor listings
While Neighbor.com long term parking often features the cheapest, safest, and nearest long term parking, traditional self storage units are also a potential option for long term parking in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
See the facilities below for information:
Neighbor is the world’s largest parking marketplace. Call for rates or search online for the cheapest, closest, and safest parking spaces.
(844) 440-0146