4.9 (662 reviews)
Based on 662 verified reviews, renters rated Neighbor's service for finding semi truck parking in Orland Park 4.9 out of 5 on average
Average space is 54 feet long and 34 feet wide.
Unpaved lots average $224 monthly, within 11.6 miles.
50% of listings offer camera security.
Average size: 28 ft long, 11 ft wide; 50% of spaces are unpaved lots.
Prices from $79 to $333; 88% of spaces are under $155.
50% of hosts respond within 24 minutes; 25% are top hosts.
Average price: $106, average width: 10 feet. Most listings are unpaved lots.
92% of listings have outdoor, uncovered exposure. 83% have security cameras.
Quick access: 75% of listings respond within 24 minutes. 33% are Top Host.
Average price of $67 across all listings, with parking lot spaces at $79.
42% of listings offer a first month discount and 33% have security cameras.
Distances range from 7.3 to 12.9 miles, with an average of 10.2 miles.
Average distance to truck parking is 5 miles. 35% of listings have cameras.
50% of spaces are unpaved lots. 67% of hosts respond within 24 minutes.
Average rating of top hosts is 5 stars. 42% of hosts have top host status.
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Unpaved lots average 4.8 rating; quick 24-minute host response time.
45% of listings have cameras; all spaces are outdoor uncovered.
Parking lots have 4.5 rating; 50% offer first month discount.
Traditional parking
Traditional parking
Wide variety of sizes
Wide variety of sizes
Lowest rates
Lowest rates
Highest safety rating
Highest safety rating
Protection plans
Protection plans
Nationwide availability
Nationwide availability
Verified hosts
Verified hosts
Manage rental online
Manage rental online
Compare commercial parking lots and warehouse storage options for your semi trucks and other commercial fleet vehicles
Unpaved lots can accommodate various types of commercial trucks & fleet vehicles
Looking for upgraded security? 2% of truck parking listings in Orland Park are listed as lockable
Reserve designated parking stalls for convenient semi truck and van parking
Spaces hosted by Top Hosts for truck parking spaces in Orland Park are 1% cheaper than nearby cities
Weather-proof warehouse storage, ideal for year-round commercial vehicle storage
64% of storage spaces in Orland Park have security cameras as an amenity provided by the host
Neighbor is the world’s largest parking marketplace. Call for rates or search online for the cheapest, closest, and safest parking spaces.
(385) 993-5455